Nutmeg Award Nom for ‘SYMPTOMS’
Symptoms of Being Human has been nominated for the 2021 Nutmeg Award.
Jointly sponsored by the Connecticut Library Association (CLA) and the Connecticut Association of School Librarians (CASL), the Nutmeg Committee is composed of children’s librarians and school library media specialists who are members of their sponsoring organizations.
The Nutmeg Book Award encourages children in grades 2-12 to read quality literature and to choose their favorite from a list of ten nominated titles. Nominees must be: works of fiction with appeal for readers in grades 4-6 or 7-8 or 9-12; copyrighted in the United States; first published no more than five years from date of selection; currently in print, and available in paperback; and well-written, with strong characterization, vivid setting, striking language, a well-constructed plot, and plausible conclusion.
awards, symptoms of being human