Everything YA 2018: Identity Panel
I had a killer time last week moderating the author panel this year’s Everything YA, a librarians-only event held at Circle City Center in Corona, California. Librarians are some of the smartest influencers on the planet, and it was a privilege to spend and afternoon in a room FULL of them.
Amy Spalding, Lindsey Summers, and Anthony Breznican joined me for a discussion on Identity in YA. We got real about the ethics and pitfalls of representing of marginalized people in YA lit. We also snort-laughed, mostly because Amy Spalding is frickin’ HILARIOUS. Lindsey shared some of the things that blew her mind as a debut author; Anthony shared some proud moments and some regrets; Amy made us think and laugh.
Deep gratitude to Alyson Hamlin and the other organizers of the event! I hope to be back next year.
everythingYA, identity, librarians, library