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Tag: advice

5 Tips for Turning Your Teen Turmoil Into a Novel

HarperCollins Canada asked me to write a post  for their official YA Blog, HCC Frenzy. Here’s a short except, followed by a link where you can read the whole article. There’s no way around it: high school hurts. The good news? Pain is precious to writers. It motivates us, inspires us, fuels...

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Spoon Bending

On Doubt, Fear, and Being a Professional Artist

ON GOOD DAYS AND BAD DAYS During a writing day, I inevitably hit a point of diminishing returns. A point where any work I do will likely have to be redone the next day–because I’m too mentally, spiritually, or intellectually tired to continue doing good work. Usually it happens around 3PM–but...

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Finish Line

3 Uncommon Sense Tips for Winning #NaNoWriMo

  There’s only one week left of National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo)—a crazy artistic marathon challenge in which writers commit to writing a 50,000 word novel, from initial idea to finished first draft manuscript, in thirty days. For those of you who are participating in NaNoWriMo, this...

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Process Peek: Do You Outline?

A friend asked me this past weekend: “Do you outline?” I love talking about the writing process, but I can never seem to come up with a straight answer to this question. Generally, I find that the person asking has one of two motivations: 1.) They loathe outlining and want permission to avoid it...

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