Meeting Lissa Price
So far, my favorite part of being a new author is the inspiring, creative community I’ve joined. Case in point: the gracious and talented Lissa Price. I had the opportunity to meet Ms. Price at Thrillerfest in New York this past July. She was such a blast to hang out with that I picked up her book, Starters, and subsequently couldn’t put it down. I managed to score her autograph on my hardcover edition of Starters at a B&N YA event on July 27. She even agreed to be photographed with me. In public and everything.
I also met Sarah Skilton, whose debut novel Bruised was poignant and inspiring, as well as Jessica Brody, author of Unremembered, which I just started and am enjoying immensely.
The event was actually a hit parade of YA authors, and I was able to fill out my summer reading list (read: entire year’s reading list) with autographed hardcover editions. Here’s the list:
Lissa Price, Starters
Sarah Skilton, Bruised
Jessica Brody, Unremembered
Kathy McCullough, Who Needs Magic?
Elizabeth Ross, Belle Époque
Andrew Smith, Winger
Allen Zadoff, Boy Nobody
Carol Tanzman, Circle of Silence
Though I didn’t have a chance to meet these authors, they were in attendance as well:
Stacey Jay, Of Beast and Beauty
Gretchen McNeil, Ten
Ann Stampler, Where It Began
If you haven’t been to a book-signing event, I highly recommend it. Drop by your local bookstore and ask the friendly folks behind the counter for their events calendar, or check findbooksignings.com or the Stores & Events page at BN.com.