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Jeff speaks in front of NaNoWriMo Participants

Packed NaNoWriMo Launch Event!

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of soon-to-be NaNoWriMo winners at the Orange Public Library. The event was a kickoff for National Novel Writing Month—a nationwide “contest” in which writers all over the country endeavor to write a 50,000-word novel in thirty days. If you’re...

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The Hunt Begins! #YASH16

WELCOME to YA Scavenger Hunt Fall 2016! I’m Jeff Garvin, your host for this leg of the Hunt.   Me, smirking.   Some random facts about me: My black labrador, Zeppelin, sometimes dresses up as Sirius Black for Halloween. I used to tour in a rock band. Before writing and music, I longed to become...

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  My first voting experience and what I would’ve done differently. Register to vote! Visit: Rock The Vote to register and watch this video for info on how to vote.

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YA Scavenger Hunt Fall 2016 is Coming!

YA Scavenger Hunt Fall 2016 is coming. . .October 4th through October 9th! I’m thrilled to participate in my second YA Scavenger Hunt. In case you’re unfamiliar with YASH, it’s a 72-hour internet scavenger hunt that promises a lot of fun and a chance to win SCORES AND SCORES of signed books.  This...

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