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3 Uncommon Sense Tips for Winning #NaNoWriMo

  There’s only one week left of National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo)—a crazy artistic marathon challenge in which writers commit to writing a 50,000 word novel, from initial idea to finished first draft manuscript, in thirty days. For those of you who are participating in NaNoWriMo, this...

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The Top Ten Books That Influenced Me Most

My good friend John G. tagged me in Facebook post challenging me to share the ten books that have influenced me most. I’ve listed mine not in my traditional “Top 10” format, but in the order in which I read them. The list is a mixture of children’s and adult fiction, and some non-fiction, too. Please...

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Sequel to the Nightmare

Overlook by Melanic Mimewerks [deviantART] THE SHINING I first read Stephen King’s The Shining when I was eleven years old. As you might expect, I suffered from recurring nightmares for six weeks afterward. In addition, I swore off Mr. King’s books until 2011, when I picked up On Writing—and...

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Sometimes a great book sneaks up on you, humbly disguised as a merely good book. Here’s an example from the movies: I liked The Sixth Sense quite a lot, right from the start–but [SPOILER ALERT] when it turned out that Bruce Willis’s character had been dead the whole time–I loved it instantly....

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  Firecracker by David Iserson My rating: 4 of 5 stars I can’t remember the last time I read a novel in a single day–but this morning, after calling in sick to work, I sat down to read Firecracker, and it got me through the whole day. It’s funny, fast, and satisfying. And,...

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