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  Firecracker by David Iserson My rating: 4 of 5 stars I can’t remember the last time I read a novel in a single day–but this morning, after calling in sick to work, I sat down to read Firecracker, and it got me through the whole day. It’s funny, fast, and satisfying. And,...

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8 Steps to Writing Killer Emails

TXT ME K Since the advent of the fax machine during the late Cretaceous period, the use of in-person and over-the-phone communication has declined roughly 974,000%. We thought video phones would be the future, but then Skype and Facetime and Google Hangouts came along and proved that, in actuality,...

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Signing with Rachel Ekstrom

Rachel Ekstrom I AM THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE that I have signed with Rachel Ekstrom of Irene Goodman Literary Agency in New York. I met Rachel at the Las Vegas Writer’s Conference last spring. After we geeked out about YA books and 90’s punk, I pitched her my novel and she asked for the manuscript. Rachel...

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Weapons of Mass Distraction

Image by Wittman80 on deviantArt THE WAITING “I hate waiting.” —Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride “The Waiting is the hardest part.” —Tom Petty, The Waiting Tom Petty had it right: the Waiting is the hardest part of being a creative person. We all go through it: actors wait for the call after an...

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Who You Are

Image: “Lost” by AikaXx from deviantART   WHO YOU ARE You’re not a fraud. You’re not a fake. You’re who you say you are. You’re too dynamic for labels, too mobile for coordinates. You’re a shooting star, an ephemeral isotope, a thing that was, and shall be, but never quite is. You...

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Under Pressure I’m only two chapters away from finishing the second draft of my novel. It’s an exciting (and stressful) time, and my laser-focus on the book has drawn attention away from this blog; but, I’ve been digging in the archives, and I’ve found some unreleased work worthy of sharing. I hope...

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