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Tag: Fiction

How To Break Through Writer’s Block

Why Me? What qualifies me, a not-yet-published novelist and (frequently negligent) blogger, to give you advice on how to break through writer’s block? I’m no newbie to creativity. I earned a BFA in Film Production and won the Chapman University Visual Storytelling Award. I’ve written over a hundred...

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Size Matters

This week, Writers Digest held a Super Short Story Contest. The rules: write a complete story in 140 characters or less – the length of a tweet. Today, Online Editor Brian Klems announced the winner. It wasn’t me – but my story was reposted (dare I say published?) in the “sampling of some...

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The Ceiling is the Floor

“Ah, music… A magic far beyond all we do here!” – Albus Dumbledore “Music is the strongest form of magic.” – Marilyn Manson The Magician’s Assistant I was raised by a banker and a magician. I’m completely serious. I was the comic foil in Dad’s...

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