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Author: Jeff Garvin

Author of SYMPTOMS OF BEING HUMAN and THE LIGHTNESS OF HANDS. Cohost of THE HERO'S JOURNEY podcast. Rock musician, D&D geek, aspiring revolutionary.
Mountain Trail by Burtn

My Path to Publishing

First Draft to First Pitch In this post, I share my journey from deciding to become a professional writer to the publishing of my debut novel, SYMPTOMS OF BEING HUMAN. THE FIRST FIRST DRAFT When my rock band dissolved in January 2011, I realized it was time to reinvent myself. After reviewing my...

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You Googled My Tweetface

NAVIGATING THE SOCIAL MEDIA MAZE I don’t claim mavenhood—but before becoming a novelist, I did manage marketing and social media for my band as well as another small business. So, from the perspective of a content-generator (someone who makes stuff to put up on the internet) I have some knowledge...

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How Spell Check Tried To Sabotage My Novel

Spell Check (c) 2011 Michael Mandiberg On Sunday night, I was almost ready to turn in the second draft of my debut novel, SYMPTOMS OF BEING HUMAN. While I was rewriting, I kept thinking of how I might share the process with you, my dear reader. I have always enjoyed the commentary tracks and blooper...

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Process Peek: Do You Outline?

A friend asked me this past weekend: “Do you outline?” I love talking about the writing process, but I can never seem to come up with a straight answer to this question. Generally, I find that the person asking has one of two motivations: 1.) They loathe outlining and want permission to avoid it...

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Top 10 Books

The Top Ten Books That Influenced Me Most

My good friend John G. tagged me in Facebook post challenging me to share the ten books that have influenced me most. I’ve listed mine not in my traditional “Top 10” format, but in the order in which I read them. The list is a mixture of children’s and adult fiction, and some non-fiction, too. Please...

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