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Author: Jeff Garvin

Author of SYMPTOMS OF BEING HUMAN and THE LIGHTNESS OF HANDS. Cohost of THE HERO'S JOURNEY podcast. Rock musician, D&D geek, aspiring revolutionary.

RPL’s Top 10 Songs for the Apocalypse

  • Music
Maybe the Mayan apocalypse is a joke. Maybe it really is just another Y2K, and we have nothing to fear. But, just in case, I’ve carefully selected ten songs to help you mourn (or celebrate) the end of the world. And, by request of my good friend and fellow blogger Dean, this week, the Rock...

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dreams do not break

dreams do not die but they do know revenge growing in spite when left unattended wild like the weeds that crack the cold concrete deep like the roots that buckle the street dreams do not fade but absorb every hue making waking a pale, monochrome doom blanching blue sky to pasty beige stucco burning...

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Now, Is That Gratitude?

I’ve had amazing mentors: my acting guru Cameron Thor, 7k’s producer Eric Rathgeber, and my seventh grade Language Arts teacher Julie Crain, just to name few. When I sat down to write this, I intended to thank them all, but once I started in on my first subject, she quickly took over...

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Top Ten Tuesday: Angst, Shame and Silliness

  • Music
Maxeen The Top 10 Bands You Ought To Be Ashamed You Don’t Know (Or Know Better): Part 3 This week, I’m excited to introduce (or re-introduce) you to three pop/rock/alternative acts that keep me reaching to crank up the volume every time they come up on shuffle. #9 The Verve Pipe The first...

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