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Divine Dissatisfaction

Below is the most authentic description I’ve ever read of the artist’s experience of creating. As I work on draft two of my novel, I’m reminded how incomplete even the best work can be, how tantalizing even the smallest morsel of satisfaction is, and how I’ll likely spend...

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Incantation for Writing

After I sit down to write, but before my fingers type the first word, I say an incantation to focus my mind and spirit on the creative act before me. Incantation for Writing Today, I write to fill the blank pages I write to meet the unfamiliar parts of myself I write to comfort the disturbed, and...

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Christmas Is Wherever You Are

[youtube] In the fall of 2009, my band 7k toured the United States. We left mid-September and didn’t return until Thanksgiving. During those eight weeks, my experience of myself and my life changed. I watched the sun rise over a corn field in Northern...

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dreams do not break

dreams do not die but they do know revenge growing in spite when left unattended wild like the weeds that crack the cold concrete deep like the roots that buckle the street dreams do not fade but absorb every hue making waking a pale, monochrome doom blanching blue sky to pasty beige stucco burning...

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Now, Is That Gratitude?

I’ve had amazing mentors: my acting guru Cameron Thor, 7k’s producer Eric Rathgeber, and my seventh grade Language Arts teacher Julie Crain, just to name few. When I sat down to write this, I intended to thank them all, but once I started in on my first subject, she quickly took over...

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Size Matters

This week, Writers Digest held a Super Short Story Contest. The rules: write a complete story in 140 characters or less – the length of a tweet. Today, Online Editor Brian Klems announced the winner. It wasn’t me – but my story was reposted (dare I say published?) in the “sampling of some...

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