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My First Writing. Ever.

I know, I know. I had a Hello Kitty diary. The past few months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me as I’ve grappled with the emotional chaos of selling a book, adjusted to my new schedule, and begun to tackle the process of revising my debut novel. I took some advice from a friend and set...

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Book by Fortuna on DeviantART

HarperCollins To Publish My Debut Novel

Book by Fortuna on DeviantART AFTER THREE WEEKS OF SITTING on this news, I have gnawed my fingernails to the quick and chewed through most of the pen caps in the house. Yesterday, I even caught myself staring longingly at my dog’s rawhide bone. (Luckily, I remembered it wasn’t vegan.) But now I can...

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Moderation is for Monks

“Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.” –Robert Heinlein, TIME ENOUGH FOR LOVE I read TIME ENOUGH FOR LOVE when I was about 12 years old; which is, arguably, far too early to read such a book. But I was young and innocent and my parents...

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Unshaven Because Novel

Messy Desk by web_meister on deviantART I am a man of discipline. I rise at 4AM on weekdays to give my best hours to writing. But, when I’m working on a novel, all my other disciplines evaporate. My exercise regimen devolves into six minutes (okay three minutes) of yoga while my coffee brews. My...

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Overlook by Melanic Mimewerks

Sequel to the Nightmare

Overlook by Melanic Mimewerks [deviantART] THE SHINING I first read Stephen King’s The Shining when I was eleven years old. As you might expect, I suffered from recurring nightmares for six weeks afterward. In addition, I swore off Mr. King’s books until 2011, when I picked up On Writing—and...

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Jeff Garvin and Sister

Under The Influence

Billy Joel’s “An Innocent Man” Music and stories are more than entertainment to me. I’ve read books that seemed to express my deepest self better than my own words ever could. I’ve heard songs that somehow captured years of my life perfectly in under four minutes. In this series, which...

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