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Tag: advice

3 Ways To Manage Your Creative Misery

Writing a book (or a song, or a blog post) is an exercise in doing things you don’t know how to do yet. The yet is very important–because creating isn’t just putting the words in the right order to tell the story, it’s figuring out what the story is in the first place, and then figuring out...

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Discover, Compose, Revise

  I am a huge fan of reading about writing. I pore over writer’s blogs, read books about writing, even scan twitter for #amwriting tweets–so, when a friend challenged me to write a post about my own process, I accepted enthusiastically. I write six days a week. On weekdays, I write first...

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8 Steps to Writing Killer Emails

TXT ME K Since the advent of the fax machine during the late Cretaceous period, the use of in-person and over-the-phone communication has declined roughly 974,000%. We thought video phones would be the future, but then Skype and Facetime and Google Hangouts came along and proved that, in actuality,...

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Three Steps to Reclaiming Your Year

At the beginning of this year (which feels like about three weeks ago), I shared 6 Steps to Creative Fulfillment. Blink. It’s fleeping JUNE. When did that happen?! The year is almost half gone—but I’m here to insist it’s not too late to have your best creative year ever. To that purpose, I present...

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