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Tag: Personal

Signing with Rachel Ekstrom

Rachel Ekstrom I AM THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE that I have signed with Rachel Ekstrom of Irene Goodman Literary Agency in New York. I met Rachel at the Las Vegas Writer’s Conference last spring. After we geeked out about YA books and 90’s punk, I pitched her my novel and she asked for the manuscript. Rachel...

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Under Pressure I’m only two chapters away from finishing the second draft of my novel. It’s an exciting (and stressful) time, and my laser-focus on the book has drawn attention away from this blog; but, I’ve been digging in the archives, and I’ve found some unreleased work worthy of sharing. I hope...

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Mercy Killing

One summer during high school I took a job that required me to trap rats. The bank my mom worked for hired my sister, my best friend Dan, and me to clean up one of their foreclosure properties before they put it up for sale. The house was enormous and tacky, a sort of Floridian nightmare with semi-gloss...

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Now, Is That Gratitude?

I’ve had amazing mentors: my acting guru Cameron Thor, 7k’s producer Eric Rathgeber, and my seventh grade Language Arts teacher Julie Crain, just to name few. When I sat down to write this, I intended to thank them all, but once I started in on my first subject, she quickly took over...

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The Ceiling is the Floor

“Ah, music… A magic far beyond all we do here!” – Albus Dumbledore “Music is the strongest form of magic.” – Marilyn Manson The Magician’s Assistant I was raised by a banker and a magician. I’m completely serious. I was the comic foil in Dad’s...

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