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Symptoms Of Being Human Sold In Brazil


I’M DELIGHTED TO ANNOUNCE that V&R Editoras, a fast-growing, mid-sized Latin American publisher, acquired the rights to publish SYMPTOMS OF BEING HUMAN in Brazil in both Portuguese and Spanish. My advisors warned me that, due to the progressive nature of its subject matter (a teen grappling...

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Book by Fortuna on DeviantART

HarperCollins To Publish My Debut Novel

Book by Fortuna on DeviantART AFTER THREE WEEKS OF SITTING on this news, I have gnawed my fingernails to the quick and chewed through most of the pen caps in the house. Yesterday, I even caught myself staring longingly at my dog’s rawhide bone. (Luckily, I remembered it wasn’t vegan.) But now I can...

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Signing with Rachel Ekstrom

Rachel Ekstrom I AM THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE that I have signed with Rachel Ekstrom of Irene Goodman Literary Agency in New York. I met Rachel at the Las Vegas Writer’s Conference last spring. After we geeked out about YA books and 90’s punk, I pitched her my novel and she asked for the manuscript. Rachel...

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The Fear Tudor Mansion

On The Set Again

WRAPPING IN THE MIND’S EYE I HAD THE PLEASURE of wrapping In The Mind’s Eye last weekend. (For more on the shoot, see this post.) I can’t speak highly enough of the cast and crew. Producer/stars Sava Markovic and Craig Rees are as talented as they are charming, and created and environment...

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