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News: Jeff Returns to the Screen

Yesterday, I took a break from novel-writing to return to an old love: acting. I ended my 7-year hiatus on the set of In The Mind’s Eye, a British psychological thriller starring Craig Rees, in which I play a well-intentioned South London street punk who attempts to aid the damsel in distress, only...

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Lissa Price Starters Jeff Garvin The Last Guitar Author YA Books

Meeting Lissa Price

So far, my favorite part of being a new author is the inspiring, creative community I’ve joined. Case in point: the gracious and talented Lissa Price. I had the opportunity to meet Ms. Price at Thrillerfest in New York this past July. She was such a blast to hang out with that I picked up her book, Starters,...

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Size Matters

This week, Writers Digest held a Super Short Story Contest. The rules: write a complete story in 140 characters or less – the length of a tweet. Today, Online Editor Brian Klems announced the winner. It wasn’t me – but my story was reposted (dare I say published?) in the “sampling of some...

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