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Tag: acting

Jeff with Rope Mic

How and Why I Started Writing

HOW I scrawled my first lyric—a future hit entitled “Dart Heart”—into my Hello Kitty Diary at age eight-and-a-half. There were photos of me at a younger age that foretold my becoming a musician (see above), but I think “Dart Hart” was the first evidence that I might end up a writer. At eight-and-a-half,...

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The Fear Tudor Mansion

On The Set Again

WRAPPING IN THE MIND’S EYE I HAD THE PLEASURE of wrapping In The Mind’s Eye last weekend. (For more on the shoot, see this post.) I can’t speak highly enough of the cast and crew. Producer/stars Sava Markovic and Craig Rees are as talented as they are charming, and created and environment...

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Once upon a time, I was a geek: a Firefly-watching, comic book-reading, d12-wielding geek. And then, something happened. Wait—let’s flash forward. FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES I have this group of amazing friends. Every time I’ve scored a walk-on part on a sitcom, they’ve come to watch. Whenever...

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Flashback Friday: The Glass Box

Looking back on old work can be simultaneously humbling and inspiring. Humbling because you realize how far you’ve come; inspiring because it becomes clear how far you have to go. During my senior year at Chapman University, I wrote, directed and starred in this short film. Parts of it make...

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News: Jeff Returns to the Screen

Yesterday, I took a break from novel-writing to return to an old love: acting. I ended my 7-year hiatus on the set of In The Mind’s Eye, a British psychological thriller starring Craig Rees, in which I play a well-intentioned South London street punk who attempts to aid the damsel in distress, only...

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